Personnel: Poultry
Videos for poultry personnel management and training
Do Not Bring Disease to the Poultry Site (Video)
Developed by Iowa State University this short 7-minute video is designed for poultry farm employees, introducing them to the components of a biosecurity plan. This video is only available in English.
CDFA video series: Biosecurity for Commercial Poultry Farm Workers (Video series)
These are the best training videos available for poultry employees about biosecurity, resulting from a joint effort by USDA and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The set of five video lessons are available in both English and Spanish and are culturally relevant and sensitive for a Hispanic audience.
- Lesson One: ConceptsThis 9-minute addresses the financial and employment implications associated with catastrophic poultry disease. This video also introduces employees to the fundamental concepts of biosecurity including sanitation, disinfection, pest control, and traffic control.
- Lesson Two: Practical ApplicationsThis 15-minute video is a deeper dive into many of the concepts introduced in Lesson #1. These include farm entry procedures, dedicated coveralls and boots, hand and boot disinfection, monitoring for illness, rodent control, house cleaning and disinfection, and the risk of having backyard poultry at home.
Three cross-contamination stories
These three short videos tell stories explaining how activities off the farm might result in contamination leading to disease outbreaks on the farm. Each video is about 6 minutes long, available in English and Spanish and is culturally relevant and sensitive for a Hispanic audience.
- Contamination vignette #1: “Get Together”
This video tells the story how a well-meaning employee brings disease back to his farm after attending a backyard barbecue attended by employees from a different farm.
- Contamination vignette #2: “Swap Meet”
Similar in message this video tells the story how an employee’s clothes are contaminated from live birds at a swap meeting.
- Contamination vignette #3: “Helping a Friend”
This last video tells the now familiar story how an employee’s clothes are contaminated while assisting a friend who owns backyard poultry.
Understanding the PBA (Poultry Biosecurity) (Video)
Developed for employees by Iowa State University this 12-minute video explains the concept of the Perimeter Buffer Area (PBA) and how workers will enter it.
Understanding the Line of Separation (Poultry Biosecurity) (Video)
Developed for employees by Iowa State University this 11-minute video explains the concept of the Line of Separation (LOL) and how workers will enter it.
Poultry Barn Biosecure Entry and Exit (Video)
Developed by the University of Minnesota this 6-minute video describes how the Two-Zone Danish Entry and Exit protocol used for commercial poultry houses.
The Danish Entry Principle (Video)
Developed by the Canadian Government this 4-minute video describes the principals of how the Danish Entry applied to commercial swine houses.
Defend the Flock: Biosecurity Practices to Protect Your Poultry (Video)
Developed by USDA, this upbeat very short, 1:40 minute video is more of an informercial than training, but may be a useful introduction for English speaking employees.