Training & Training Log
Your farm’s enhanced biosecurity plan will include a “Training and Training Log” section that addresses how employees will be trained on practices related to daily and enhanced (emergency) biosecurity practices.
When writing the Training and Training Log section of your plan you may find it useful to read examples extracted from other plans. Click on the items below to view some potential language (written as blue text in boxes) to draw from as you develop your own plan, specific for your own farm. Example blue text is only a starting point and may not be appropriate for your farm or meet your state’s requirements.
Some example Training Log template forms are also available.
Training materials, such as videos in English and Spanish, posters, fact sheets, flyers etc. are found in the individual sections such as “Personnel” or “Equipment and Vehicles”
This section will guide you through:
- Explain the role of on-farm training in the CA SFS program
- Describe effective training strategies for employees and visitors
- Create a record keeping system for tracking employee enhanced biosecurity training

Training and Training Log
A Biosecurity Training Log is a record keeping tool used to document employee training. Successful completion of training results in employees who understand biosecurity principles and can effectively maintain adherence to the farm’s approved SOP’s. The training log becomes a permanent record in the Biosecurity Training Logbook and is incorporated into the Premises Biosecurity Plan.
General Requirements:
- All training must include training materials covering both farm site-specific procedures as well as company and or complex/wide site-specific procedures as applicable.
- All owners and personnel entering the Perimeter Buffer Area (PBA) must complete training on all sections of the site-specific biosecurity plan.
- Training for the entire site-specific biosecurity plan must be completed at least annually.
- New poultry caretakers must have the training for the site-specific biosecurity plan completed upon hire.
- Training logs must at a minimum include title of training, date of training, names and signatures of trainer and all trainees.
- All records must be retained for three (3) years (Title 9-CFR 145.12(b) and 146.11(e)).
The Biosecurity Manager, Coordinator, or Designee will:
- Inform all visitors entering the premises of the biosecurity protocols they are to follow in a language they understand.
- Document all training in the Biosecurity Training Log.
Describe how the above training requirements will be met for EMPLOYEES:
The Biosecurity Manager(s) and essential personnel are trained at least annually about the biosecurity measures necessary to keep a FAD/NAD out of the flock. All training is documented in the Biosecurity Training Log (Appendix).
Describe how the above training requirements will be met for VISITORS:
The Biosecurity Manager or his designee informs visitors entering the operation of the biosecurity measures they are to follow in a language they understand. Individuals are aware of the biosecurity concepts and procedures that apply to their specific areas of responsibility.
As described in the visitor’s portion of the “Equipment” section, visitors will be required to sign the facility visitors log book as well as sign the facility biosecurity agreement. Signature of the agreement indicates that they will understand and comply with visitor biosecurity requirements, such as those related to use of farm-specific PPE and previous contact with backyard poultry or wildlife.
Lastly, all visitors will be accompanied by a facility employee who will assist them with complying with all farm biosecurity protocols including donning and doffing farm-specific PPE, and limited access to certain areas.